Monday 28 November 2011

Incredibles Interview

I found this clip of the incredibles on youtube, this is the sort of thing i am looking at doing for the panda's interview.

He will be setting up the camera and us (the audience) will be seeing him from the point of view of his camera:

Also for the flash backs (when it flicks to memories of his past), i have found a tutorial in after effects to make the camera look old fashioned. Below is a link to the tutorial:

Monday 7 November 2011

Kung Fu Panda Rig Screenshots

I have stumbled across this:

It shows the topology and use of edge loops to create this character.

The screen shots also show the weighting of the rig, this allows the character to move correctly and creates wrinkles where needed.

Video Research

A part from the obvious 'King Fu Panda' animation, there aren't many other 3D panda animations. They tend to be mainly done in 2D but here are a few I have found:

Here are two videos showing the making of Kung Fu Panda 1 & 2, it's important to look at these so you know how it was made and the inspirations of the makers:


Simple online games:
(these are all very simplistic 2D characters)

(here are a few videos of the panda in the Tekken games, he's more of a realistic panda, mine will be more of a cartoon styled one)

There's are useful because this panda is also walking on two legs rather than four, just like my character will be.

Mood Boards

To start my imagination, I've started making moodboards as I find this an effective way of working.

Here is a moodboard of images of real pandas:

I have also rathered some images of 3D or cartoon panda's that have been created before:

I then thought about the kinds of feelings my character will have and created a moodboard for colour. The idea being that I could maybe portray it's feelings better with colour:

Below is a moodboard showing 'Solitude'. This is to get an idea of the style/feeling, it will help to create an environment perfect for my character:

I decided to look at some designs for neglected houses. The type of places people on their own would create/spend their time in:


Sunday 6 November 2011

Project Specification


For this module I am going to design and create a short 3D animation. It will include 3D models, character animation and lip sync. The themes for my piece will be humour, love and loneliness.

My idea is still in the development process and I will use the time in this module to have a concrete idea at the end. The basic idea is a lonely being, living life in solitary and craving a partner. I want it to be humorous, but to still tell the story of a lonely life. I had two ideas to start off with, one was a lonely man sending a tape into an agency to find a partner, and the second idea is a small panda, struggling with life on his own. Then I decided to put the two ideas together as I thought this would make a more interesting story.

To create my animation I will first need to complete pre-production work, this will consist of:
  • ·         Research, Idea, & initial sketches
  • ·         Storyboard, title & script
  • ·         Animatic & Previs
  • ·         Character & environment concept work
  • ·         3D Model creations
  • ·         Animation, sound & editing

For this project I will need to research into the normal life of a panda, this will enable me to create a script to match their daily life. I will also need to research models or animations of pandas that have been created before, to hopefully make my project unique. Visiting art galleries and looking through art books should help me create a style. Researching into dating advertisements will help to put humour into the script and make the audience empathise with the character.

Kung fu panda
Japanese pop art

I am aiming for my animation to be 1-1.5 minutes in length, any longer and the audience will lose interest, any shorter and it doesn’t give me enough time to tell the story, however at the storyboard and animatic stage this might change. It will be in 3D with possible 2D backdrops. I will be using Softimage 2012 to create my animation and thinking about Premiere for the editing. I will be making notes and writing sections of my report as I go along; this is so I do not forget any important details.

- The audience should empathise with the character
- The rig to control the characters movement/lip sync
- Timing, style and camera placement


·         Specification written & submitted
·         Idea development
·         Initial sketches &
·         Research
·         Concept art & character model sheets

·         Storyboard & script
·         Animatic
·         Start models & Previs