Monday 16 January 2012


Here are the initial sketches for my environment design, very rough, just to get an idea for what i'm going for.

I want the house to be a bit run down and neglected, old fashioned and simple.

This is Hamish's house, very simple and suited where he will live.
I used images of buildings in Kirkham to help me design this:

This is a sheet of designs for the living room, i want it to be simplistic and old fashioned:

The dining room will be connected to the living room.
No walls dividing the two, just a straight through room:

Lastly was the bedroom. I wanted a blue/purple colouring for this room as that will reflect Hamish's mood:

I then used the 3d room website i posted earlier.
You can create a room and add props to it.
This was very helpful as i could used my drawings to create all the rooms and get a quick idea of how his house is going to look.


Dining Room:



Living Room:

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