Saturday 16 June 2012

Basic Story

To create the story I had already drawn out the key actions/poses.
To make it easier I laid them all out in front of me so I could rearrange them and construct my story:


Credits and title music.
Opening scene, fade to outside Hamish’s house (music fades).
Zoom in through bedroom window.
Slowly stop at Hamish in bed hiding under the covers.
Click as alarm goes off (Alone again, naturally is playing on the radio).
He reaches his arm out to turn the alarm off, sighs and rolls over to stare at the empty side of the bed. He sits up and yawns.
The camera moves to show the bedroom ceiling caving in as Hamish gets out of bed.
He goes into the kitchen (camera cuts to the kettle, two cups and sugar).
He makes a cup of coffee and sits down to a bamboo breakfast.
He shuffles it around on the plate, gives up and goes for a shower. As he is drying himself there is the sound of a newspaper dropping through the letterbox. He comes out wearing a towel and goes to the wardrobe, puts on his slippers, goes to pick up the paper from the front door and sits down to read it.
There is a sound of a train coming, he winces, puts his paper down and watches it go past (the entire of the house shakes and things fall/break).
He sighs again, pies a puzzle book, puts on his glasses and grabs a pen. He fails at doing a crossword so he goes outside and looks around for a panda friend across the tracks. As soon as he goes outside, there is a crack of thunder and it starts raining. He runs inside, shakes and sits down at the other side of the table (where there is a chess set). He begins playing, using his left paw for black and his right paw for white; he turns the board for each turn.
He glances at the phone to see NO MESSAGES. He rings the local takeaway.
He puts a light on as it has turned dark and gloomy. A bulb blows so he ferrets around for a new one, grabs a step ladder and changes the bulb.
There is a knock at the door, he smiles as he is looking forward to some company, his face drops when he opens the door and the bamboo box has just been left on the doorstep. He sighs, picks it up and goes inside.
He sits on the floor in front of the TV and starts munching. He looks at the clock and decides to go to bed.
New scene. The next morning is the same as before but slightly alter the timing. His alarm goes off, he reaches out and turns it off, he yawns and gets up. He makes a cuppa, has his breakfast and goes in the shower.  He comes out, gets his slippers from the wardrobe, grabs the newspaper and sits down.
This time he sees an advert for an online dating company; he jumps up, gets on his computer and looks it up. He looks around at the people on there for awhile- and finds an advert from one, it reads:
My name is Charlie and I’m a Sagittarius, I am looking for someone aged between 18-22 (Hamish makes a noise in agreement), medium build (Hamish weighs himself and moans with sadness), I love eating in so he needs to be good in the kitchen, I like gardening, I dislike mess, non smoker, preferably good at DIY, maybe have a pet and have some hobbies. Send me your videos below.
Hamish jumps up, sticks the radio on (playing the things we do for love by 10cc), he grabs a brush, sorts his fur out, gets a bow tie from his wardrobe and grabs a camera.
From the POV of the camera, he sets it all up, sits down and begins reading. The first time he runs to the toilet so he has to start all over again. Clears his throat and states:
“My name is Hamish, I’m 21, welt built, non smoker, Gemini, I like to cook and eat in as well as out. I enjoy playing chess, gardening and DIY. I like art and I have a pet fish. Err...I don’t like trains and...I hope to hear from you soon (chewing bamboo all the way through).
He sends his video in and gets to work correcting his lies.
First of all he rings and orders HOW TO books and puts them on his shelf (the shelf breaks). Then he uses one of them to prop the shelf back up. He grabs the first book and gets his cardigan. He fixes the pocket with bad stitching.
He grabs the next book which is cooking; he goes to the shop, comes back with a paper bag full of ingredients and tries to follow a recipe. After getting covered he gives up, puts it all in the bin and moves onto the next book.
Gardening. He plants and waters the tray he has left outside, brings one of them in and puts it on the windowsill. There is a bug crawling around so he has to get rid of it. He then starts raking leaves up, a train goes past and blows them all over again. He fixes his fence with tape, goes and buys a goldfish from the shop and puts it in a coke bottle laid on its side.
The next book is art. He tries to make a scrap book but glues everything to himself, he tries to paint by numbers but he can’t stay inside the lines.
Homely book, he picks a flower from the garden and puts it in a vase with a piece of bamboo. By this point he is exhausted. He checks his computer and sees he has no replies so he goes to bed disheartened.
The next day he gets up and checks his computer. REPLY!
Hi Hamish, I would like to meet you today by the tracks at 11. I will wear a red carnation.
Hamish rushes to get ready, heads down to the tracks and hides behind the main control building. He can see a panda in the distance walking up, he’s excited, it soon becomes clear that the female panda he was looking forward to meeting is actually a male.
He stomps back inside (unseen by the other panda) and slams his door. The number falls off.
While the end credits are rolling, alone again naturally is playing and Hamish gets into bed to hide under the covers.

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