Sunday 10 June 2012

Updated Specification



For this module I am going to design and create a short 3D animation. It will include 3D models, character animation and lip sync. The themes for my piece will be humour, love and loneliness.

The basic idea is a lonely being, living life in solitary and craving a partner. I want it to be humorous, but to still tell the story of a lonely life. I had two ideas to start off with, one was a lonely man sending a tape into an agency to find a partner, and the second idea is a small panda, struggling with life on his own. Then I decided to put the two ideas together as I thought this would make a more interesting story. To begin he is going to be in bed, then throughout the day he is going to notice that things come in pairs, this is when he decides he wants a partner. The idea of him starting off alone or maybe having had a previous partner is up to the audience as I am not going to make it obvious. The way he goes about getting a mate is the bulk of the story.

To create my animation I will first need to complete several parts, this will consist of:
  • Planning & sketches for the character and the environment
  • Script, storyboards and an animatic
  • 3D Models and a rig for the character
  • Previs/blocking, animation, sound & editing

As I have already completed the bulk of the research for this project I will just need to research into the processes or the technology to help me along the way. I would like to add two chapters to my dissertation, one is going to be about emotion and the other one is yet to be chosen. I will need to look at newspapers for the layout of his newspaper, also for the dating advert as I want it to be immediately obvious as to what he is looking at.

Kung fu panda & Up
Japanese pop art
Mr Bean (sending birthday cards to himself)
Vinnie the panda from the Foxes biscuits advert

I am aiming for my animation to be 60-90seconds in length any shorter and it doesn’t give me enough time to tell the story, however at the storyboard and animatic stage this might change. It will be in 3D with possible 2D backdrops. I will be using Softimage 2012 to create my animation and thinking about Premiere and After Effects for the editing. I will be making notes and writing sections of my report as I go along; this is so I do not forget any important details.

- The audience should empathise with the character
- The rig to control the characters movement/lip sync
- Timing, style and camera placement


·         Plan project
·         Redesign panda & environment
·         Script & storyboards
·         Animatic & scenes
·         Models completed
·         Audio collected
·         Previs/blocking of animation

·         In-betweens
·         Textures, colour and fur (depending on time)
·         Lighting & render passes
·         Composite and editing
·         Final polishes
·         Extra time
·         Print dissertation
·         Hand in

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