Monday 2 July 2012

Story Sections

I have sectioned the story up into individual shots. This is so that i can animate it scene by scene or section by section instead of trying to do the entire story all at once. It also means if the file corrupts or fails, i will only have lost one scene (i will of course make sure everything is backed up regularly).

1.      Zoom in on the house – front window (camera fades in and zooms) – FULL SHOT

2.      Zoom in to Hamish asleep in bed – MEDIUM CLOSE UP
Alarm goes off, Hamish lifts his arm out, turns it off & rolls over – MEDIUM CLOSE UP

3.      Camera cuts to Hamish rolled over – MEDIUM CLOSE UP
He makes a move to get out of bed – MEDIUM CLOSE UP

4.      Camera cuts to Hamish sitting up & yawning. He looks round his room – MEDIUM CLOSE UP

5.      Camera cuts to Hamish getting out of bed & walking out of his room – FULL SHOT
Camera pans & follows him as he walks towards the kitchen – PANNING

6.      Camera cuts to the kettle etc in the kitchen as Hamish makes a cup of coffee (he walks off screen) – fade out – CLOSE UP

7.      Camera fades in to Hamish drinking at his dining room table, he plays with his food & walks off screen – MEDIUM SHOT

8.      Cut to Hamish in the shower – LONG SHOT

9.      Cut to letterbox as the paperboy delivers a newspaper – MEDIUM SHOT

10.  Hamish collects the newspaper & drops it on the table on his way to the bedroom – PANNING FULL SHOT
Hamish gets his slippers & puts them on – FULL SHOT

11.  He stomps to his chair, gets comfy and reads the paper – FULL SHOT

12.  POV Hamish – the sound of a train can be heard, he drops his paper & looks outside – FULL SHOT

13.  He gets up & walks over to the window – FULL SHOT

14.  He looks outside of his window (his stomach growls) – CLOSE UP

15.  He walks back over to his dining room table (focus on NO MESSAGES), picks up the phone & rings for a takeaway – CLOSE UP
He plays chess, right paw for white and left paw for black – MEDIUM CLOSE UP
There’s a knock at the door, he gets up & goes to answer it – MEDIUM CLOSE UP

16.  Hamish opens the door – FULL SHOT

17.  Camera cuts to the front door, Hamish looks down & picks up his takeaway. Shuts the audience outside – FULL SHOT
18.  He sits on the floor, turns his TV on & begins to eat. He gets up & walks over to the dining room table – MEDIUM SHOT

19.  He empties the contents of the takeaway onto his plate & goes to bed (fade out) – FULL SHOT

20.  Fade in to Hamish in bed, staring at his alarm clock – FULL SHOT
He yawns & sits up – FULL SHOT

21.  Camera fades to him sitting down with a cup of coffee & he goes for a shower – MEDIUM CLOSE UP

22.  Camera cuts to the door where the paperboy pushes the daily newspaper through – CLOSE UP

23.  He gets the paper, drops it on the table & goes to get his slippers – MEDIUM CLOSE UP
He puts his slippers on & heads back to the living room – MEDIUM CLOSE UP

24.  Hamish sits in his chair, grabs his paper & begins to read – MEDIUM SHOT

25.  Camera cuts & zooms in on the advert – CLOSE UP

26.  Camera cuts back to Hamish as he jumps up & heads for his computer – MEDIUM CLOSE UP

27.  Hamish types the address & searches for his perfect panda mate – MEDIUM CLOSE UP

28.  Camera cuts to the advert on the screen – CLOSE UP

29.  Camera cuts to Hamish on the scales – FULL SHOT

30.  Camera cuts back to the advert – CLOSE UP

31.  With that Hamish jumps to his feet & goes to his bedroom – PANNING FULL SHOT

32.  He puts on a bowtie & heads back to the computer – MEDIUM SHOT

33.  POV camera, Hamish begins setting it up – CLOSE UP
He has a rush of nerves & runs to the bathroom. After a flush he returns & records himself (camera cuts to black) – CLOSE UP

34.  Hamish flicks his radio on & grabs the books off the shelf, it breaks & he uses one of them to fix it – MEDIUM CLOSE UP

35.  Camera cuts to 4 sections (books being opened) – CLOSE UP

36.  Camera cuts to 4 sections (books being opened) – CLOSE UP

37.  Camera cuts to 4 sections (books being opened) – CLOSE UP
38.  Camera cuts to 4 sections (books being opened) – CLOSE UP

39.  Camera cuts to Hamish going to the shop – FULL SHOT

40.  Camera cuts to the clock. It fast forwards an hour (door slams at the end) – CLOSE UP

41.  Hamish returns with a bag – FULL SHOT

42.  Four sections – He puts an apron on & tries to cut bamboo but can’t hold the knife – MEDIUM SHOT

43.  Four sections – He puts a plant outside – MEDIUM SHOT

44.  Four sections – He tries to rake but a train ruins it – MEDIUM SHOT

45.  He lifts a pet fish out of his bag – MEDIUM SHOT

46.  He puts a flower & bamboo in a vase – MEDIUM SHOT

47.  He tries to cut & stick but the paper keeps sticking to him instead – MEDIUM SHOT

48.  He goes back to his computer has no reply so goes to bed in a sulk (fade out) – FULL SHOT

49.  Camera fades in to an empty bed – FULL SHOT

50.  Camera moves to show Hamish sat at his computer – MEDIUM SHOT

51.  Camera shows a reply from a panda (flashing envelope) – CLOSE UP

52.  Hamish sees the time & rushes for his bowtie – MEDIUM SHOT

53.  He heads for the door, walks down his path & hides behind the main building – PANNING FULL SHOT

54.  POV Hamish, he sees a panda approaching – POV LONG SHOT

55.  Camera cuts to see Hamish’s reaction – CLOSE UP

56.  Camera moves out as Hamish slopes back inside – FULL SHOT

57.  Camera cuts as Hamish slams the door. His number 2 swings & falls to the ground (fades out) – CLOSE UP

58.  Credits & Hamish pulling the covers over his head – MEDIUM CLOSE UP

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