Monday 20 August 2012

Alterations after Meeting

There are several things that need altering before I can continue with the blocking process:

  • Be aware of textures, don't cross over real and CG, change the newspaper textures
  • Remove the bag, it looks like a blob and takes attention away from the more important points
  • Give the plate on the dining table it's own space, maybe scale it down
  • Only have two books in the bedroom and move forward, everything else looks out of place
  • Crumple the other towels in the bathroom, crease them on the radiator etc
  • Make the pink cup brighter
  • Make the cushions the same colours as the pink and blue cups
  • Re do blue cushion, pull it down slightly, like a hammock (be subtle)
    I decided to change the pink cushion instead of the blue so I have made it look bigger and new

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