Thursday 2 August 2012

House Model

I left out the model board for the house as i wanted to include the garden models (which were yet to be completed). I have been struggling which this as i didn't know how to represent weeds in the garden, i also didn't know how to design the fence.

After creating a very uniform and symmetrical fence model i decided it wasn't interesting enough and altered the panels slightly so that they are not all the same shape. This makes for a more pleasing object.

For the bushes I used the idea seen in the previous image from the 'Creating the garden' tab, using very basic shapes to represent the object keeps render times low and helps to divert the attention away from less important objects.

I put more time and design into the grass/weeds, they line the path and the fence just like they would in a normal garden. For the grass i used a cylinder, selected the outside polygons on the top, duplicated them and translated them in the Y axis, i scaled them at the top to make a leaf shape and subdivided it to make it smooth.

The flower in the weed/grass is made from a sphere, the polygons on the top have been scaled globally in the Y axis to create a slight dome shape, I then selected opposite polygons, duplicated them and translated them up in the Y axis, i scaled them slightly to be more of a flower shape and subdivided.

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