Wednesday 15 August 2012

Final Model Adjustments

Before I can start the animating process properly I need to complete the modelling. This includes adding extra things left around the house, making it look more worn/used and adding beveling to the models. This is so that the edges will have nice highlights instead of being completely square.

To help with the placement of items left around by Hamish, I have been taking photos over the last few weeks when people have left things lying around the house.

In the lounge and dining room, the main objects lying around were papers and bags/shopping:

In the kitchen, the main things left out are dirty pots in the sink or clean ones draining:

The bathroom never really gets that messy but cleaning products and towels get left out.
Also there is a screen shot of the hallway after a car clearout:

The bedrooms seem to get the most cluttered, bins overflowing, papers, books, clothing:

The main one i wanted to focus on was the desk, Hamish's desk is very tidy but they are never like that:

Before I start adding clutter to the rooms/house I wanted to take some render shots to show the models as they are now. From the above points I have added all of the beveling that I want to add.

The scene was lagging quite badly as I was orbiting around it so I needed to find ways to cut the scene size down. The only way that really worked was to reduce the amount of 'models' in the scene, by this I don't mean 3D models, I mean the option where you can select several 3D models and group them together into a new 'model.

These are three links to newspaper articles I have used in my scene:

There's are similar render pictures after the clutter has been added:


These are some renders of additional details i added to models. I added dinting to the chair and the bed to show that Hamish always sits and sleeps in the same place, however the other chair is still perfect as noone has sat there. I have also included an example to show how I have been beveling the models:

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