Thursday 2 August 2012

Surrounding areas

Using an idea from a previous project I created, the background will be a sphere model. The way this works is to put the rest of the scene inside the sphere, then project a texture onto the inside of the sphere. I have been looking at panoramic background images to project onto it and i came across this one:

I have altered it slightly in photoshop to match the style of the rest of my project. Giving it a slight cel shading or tone shading style to it.

After having altered this image repeatedly in Photoshop, resized it, moved it around, it just didn't look right. The resolution was too low so it looked out of place. I decided to try this one instead, for now I am happy with it as it is just a simple background, it doesn't take the focus away from the story:

I have been having problems getting the texture on the scenery to show up, after looking in the properties I realised that if I deleted the scene material off it, it showed up! I also had to make sure that a light was shining on it.

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