Saturday 18 August 2012


Now has come the time to start the blocking process, this is where i will key out the main poses in that particular scene or section. Seen as though i have decided to completely segregate the separate camera movements, it breaks the project down into smaller more manageable chunks.

I will add screen shots and comments into this particular post rather than starting new ones all the time, that way all of the information is in the same post.


When Hamish turns over to switch the alarm off his arm is going through the object, I will try changing the settings of the obstacle that the cloth is colliding with to see if i can fix this problem

No amount of changing settings was helping, it was making it worse because the sheet was lifting off Hamish completely, so I decided to add shape animation and move the points needed by hand:

Also i want to add this video in, showing the movement of the cloth animation when Hamish rolls over, I like the way it naturally moves with him and sort of falls off him:

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